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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to tell if the guy really loves you :)

Here you can watch out some really serious things that can really let you know if the guy you love really loves you or not and it goes this way:

1. First and foremost, you must acknowledge this fact right here itself that if the guy whom you have fallen for really has feelings for you then those feelings of true love are sure to be reflected in his actions, behavior and expressions. If you find these things coming your way then it is fine but, if you always see yourself looking out for these feelings to be exhibited in his behavior but they do not then it is a clear signal that he is not serious about you. Also when you have realized it then you should not deceive yourself into thinking that you should wait more to see them reflected in his behavior.

2. Watch out closely if he reacts indifferently to whatever you say or do; this is very important and would exactly tell you if his feelings are genuine or not. Check out in times when you have entrapped yourself in trouble that he comes to help you out of the blue even if it is the tiniest of problems so as to prove himself as the right person for you as well as to show that he is always there for you.

3. Also watch out whether he is comfortable making you meet his friends and family, if he always gives some or the other lame excuses for not being able to have you meet with his close ones then you can possibly figure out that he is just not that interested.

4. To really know if your guy is really into you; check out his body language, his actions, his touch and the way he looks at you. Watching all these gestures closely would give you a clear picture as to what he is really up to. If he glances at you more than often while you are engrossed talking with someone or busy in work then it is a good sign that he really is into you.

5. Also it is important to check out whether he only wants to meet you at nights or he is interested in seeing you at other times as well. This will tell you if he is really interested in keeping a serious relationship with you or if he just wants to make love with you for as long as he can.

6. Last but not the least, it is very important for you to know that whatever the circumstances are you deserve a call from him. If he keeps ignoring your calls and at the end of the day keeps the phone early saying that he is tired and that he is always busy then you can surely figure it out for yourself that he is just not that into you. This is because no one can be too busy to make a call if he really wants to talk.

How to know if you Love someone :)

Most people have this feeling inside them but are not sure whether it is simple affection, a crush or maybe love. Well love is a lot more stronger word than simple affection and attraction towards someone. Love involves much more than what you find in simple attraction towards someone. Read on to find out some of the simple yet powerful ways to find out whether you love someone or not.

You’re happy when your partner is? - If you feel joy when your partner is happy and just a mere smile or his/her face gives you happiness than you are definitely in love with that person. Love is all about feeling one with your partner therefore you tend to enjoy all joys, lovely moments, moments of satisfaction with your partner.

You don't mind public affection? - Do you often hold hands in public - maybe kiss or hug? If this is the case than you might be in love with your partner. Normally most couples don't prefer showing much public affection until and unless they are in love.

Caring like family- Do you care for your partner just as you care for your family? And get sad when your partner is sad or maybe get happy when you partner is? Love is all about caring and sharing. And if you treat your partner just like you treat your family than you are definitely in love.

You feel like being an open book- When you love someone you feel like being an open book and tend to share some of your biggest secret which you would never even share with your closest of friends. Love makes you surrender totally and you feel like pouring your heart out.

You talk without getting bored - Mostly when it's just a mere crush or attraction you would easily get bored after a while. Everything would just seem boring and you would not feel like carrying on any more. But when you are in love you would always have something to talk about, it would never get boring no matter how long and how much you talk.

You would sacrifice- This is the best way to find out whether you are in love or not. If you are ready to sacrifice something for your partners comfort then you are definitely in love. Love is all about sacrifices and compromises and if you are truly in love you would not mind being committed and making sacrifices for the one you love.

What makes you a Good Boyfriend :)

You make your girlfriend feel special. By making her feel good about herself, you're also helping her build more confidence. It's important to make your girlfriend feel loved and cared for everyday. It's an emotional bond that will keep your relationship stronger.

You make your girlfriend trust you. Trust is very vital in any relationship. A paranoid girlfriend who checks on you every two seconds may mean one thing: you're not assuring her that you're a reliable dude who has his eyes fixed on her and her alone. If she's annoying you, take time to examine yourself as well and maybe you're just not hitting the right target. Women want to be reassured of your love from time to time.

You make your girlfriend feel beautiful and sexy. Girls extra time to prep up and it sure can get to our nerves but it's always worth it. Take time to appreciate her efforts, whisper in her ear how beautiful and sexy she is and she'll be totally feeling giddy and great inside.

You make your girlfriend want to be with you all the time. Sometimes, a good boyfriend doesn't have to try. This isn't saying you have to demand your girlfriend to be with you 24/7. Work for it. Take care of yourself and make time to do your usual hobbies and interested. This will make your girlfriend realize what an independent boyfriend you are and that alone is enough to encourage them to be in your presence.

You make your girlfriend laugh. Nothing beats a guy with sense of humor. They always win the best girls over. Making your girl laugh is a ways to make her feel comfortable and happy. It's always inspiring to be in a relationship when both of you contribute in making each other appreciate the little things in life. Deliver a joke or playfully tease her whenever you get the chance.

You make your girlfriend share her problems. Your girlfriend will start to value your suggestions and opinions so she'll start to confide in you more. Making your girl call for you on times she's feeling down will assure her you'll be there during the bad times as well.

You make your girlfriend try new things. Being in relationship means you've decided to share your life with another. It will take some time to grow and become stronger. When you learn how to inspire and motivate your girlfriend, she will be more interested in trying out new things, thus, making her grow as well. She will thank you and love you more when she discovers that love can, still and always will be, make you fearless and can do anything!

Qualities of a GOod Girlfriend :)

Finding a good girlfriend can be a bit difficult. You can't automatically tell if she's going to be one in your first few dates and not even on the early stages of your relationship. This takes time to grow and show so you might want to be a little more observant and sensitive about her. Below are some qualities of a good girlfriend that can help tell if she's totally the one:

* She's smart, confident and independent. She has her own life and doesn't hoard you 24/7. Of course, you only want her attention, she most probably does, but a good girlfriend knows when to give you space and indulge into her other passions.
* She's let's you spend time with your friends. Most girlfriends have issues when it comes to you and your buddies. She's a good girlfriend if she trusts you enough to go out with your friends and she's absolutely and utterly certain you won't pull something fishy.
* She doesn't nag. Being too emotional or jealous can put strain in a relationship. A good girlfriend will choose her battles and fight fair without bugging you about your mistakes or shortcomings for a long period of time. A good girlfriend will not bring up the past and will work with you in solving your problems at hand.
* She's liked by your parents. Well, there's thing about good aura or vibe that makes our girlfriend likable to our parents. If she gets along well with your folks, chances are she's putting some effort to be in her best possible effort to impress them, and to let them know you're special to her.
* She makes you feel happy. Well this part, unfortunately, is based solely on you. She makes you happy without even doing anything at all. Seeing her makes your heart jump and your tummy flutter with excitement. If she does, then hold on to her. You don't want to let go of something very beautiful and precious.

Signs when you BF is lying :)

Are you looking for signs that your boyfriend is lying? If you are, then you're probably having a difficult time decoding his words and actions. Being in a relationship with someone means that you trust and love that person enough to share a part of yourself with him.

Trying to look for signs that your boyfriend is lying won't be easy, because you're still hung up on all his wonderful qualities. But here are 3 telltale signs that will help keep you on your toes.

Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Lying Number 1: He Has A Hundred Versions of the Same Story.

When he tells you different variations of the same story, then there's reason to doubt. For example, you ask him about how he and his friends spent last weekend together.

At first, he tells you that they went to a sports bar where his friend Jim shamelessly flirted with a waitress. In the second version, it's no longer Jim but Henry who kept chatting with the waitress.

Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Lying Number 2: He Keeps It Short And Sweet.

When he doesn't answer you as lengthily as he normally would, then he may be hiding something. It's likely if he keeps the details to a minimum and doesn't speak much of it at all.

Some guys do this because they think not telling everything isn't exactly lying, while others are just afraid they'd spill the beans by accident.

Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Lying Number 3: He Changes the Topic Abruptly.

Girls have the tendency to prod their guys for answers they don't really want to give. When a guy is lying, he will take the first opportunity he has to change the topic.

This way, you're distracted from asking any more questions, and he doesn't have to lie any more than he wants to.

It's sometimes difficult to tell if your boyfriend is bluffing or being dishonest, especially since you really want to believe he's telling the truth. However, these 3 signs that your boyfriend is lying will help you snap out of it and see your man for who he really is

why should I forgive a cheating man ?

Why Should I forgive a cheating man after he is caught pants down? What is the meaning of a man cheating with other woman? Does your spouse deserve any forgiveness and a second chance in the relationship after cheating? Today it's extremely hard to find a male partner who treats you right without having to cheat. If your man cheats, does it mean it's the end of your relationship? Then should I forgive a cheating man? Many men cheat on their spouses mainly because of their relationships problems. These relationship problems are caused by both partners and the blame is put on the guy who is after all, the one cheating.

There could be very many causes of relationship problems and this may cause a man to cheat, for instance if he is very unhappy about something in the relationship. Perhaps you do not treat him like he is special anymore or you no longer love one another. It could be due to neglect by either spouse or many other reasons which could lead to the man cheating. So ask yourself; should I forgive a cheating man?

The first step to understand why your man cheats is to stop arguing with him too much. It's obvious he has wronged you by cheating but that doesn't justify the arguing and shouting. Do not remind him on every occasion that he cheated. Once you forgive him, don't revisit the issue or use it as an excuse to cheat.
Constantly reminding your partner that he has cheated could cause negative feelings.

The best solution for a partner who finds it hard to forgive a cheating spouse is to end the relationship at once, if she thinks that the partner is likely to cheat again. Most women assume that if a man cheats once, he is likely cheat again and again or he may never cheat again.

If a man cheats on his spouse once, she has to be very careful in future. Most of the time, cheating is associated with a malfunctioning relationship. Relationship problems might have been caused by either spouses and hence the duty of reconciliation should lie with both parties. Therefore, when you are faced with such a situation, ask yourself; should I forgive a cheating man?

Surviving and Getting Over A Break-up

The break-up of a relationship is a difficult event that all of us go through at one point or other in this journey of life. It is like living through hell on earth and impacts us on so many levels. Initially it arouses a variety of negative emotions in us like loss of self-confidence, self-loathing, guilt, bitterness, anguish and anger. However, eventually it can get us to a better a place and into a more loving relationship. So even though it may seem impossible right now you will recover from your break-up and find love again. This lens shows you how to get over and survive a break-up and contains broken heart quotes and break-up poems to help you through healing your broken heart.

10 Ways to Get Over and Survive A Break-up
Tips on How to Get Over Your Ex

These measures may sound tough to implement but they will help you get over your break-up so give them a try.

1. Cut off all contact with your ex until you are sure that you are over them. Start by getting rid of all their contact information like email addresses, phone numbers, Facebook and Twitter profiles. Ask a friend or family member to support you in not contacting your ex. Whenever you are tempted to call your ex, call your support buddy instead. Also change your contact information if necessary and do not provide your new contacts to your ex.

2. Get rid of reminders of your ex such as gifts, photographs and mementos. Donate them to charity, or throw them away. If you can't bring yourself to do that then put everything in a trunk and ask a friend or family member to store it for you until you are completely over your ex.

3. Stop re-telling your sad love story. Stop constantly thinking and talking about your ex and your former relationship. I know this is easier said than done but after the initial phase when you have told your friends your sob story make a commitment and effort to stop talking about it. When you go out on dates with new suitors, under no circumstance should you regale them with stories about your ex. Get your friends and family to interrupt you and change the topic whenever you start talking about your ex. Also request family members and friends to stop talking about him/her. Whenever you find yourself brooding and thinking about your ex find something else to do.

4. Do not frequent your old hangouts. Stop going to places where you and your ex used to hang out. Do not stalk your ex, do not drive by their house, gym or places where they like to go. Find new places to socialize and hard as it may be avoid running into your ex which is best done by avoiding their hang-out spots. Move towns if you have to.

5. Make a list of all the bad qualities that your ex has and the undesirable relationship qualities that they have. Pull out your "Bad List" and read over it every time that you start thinking positive thoughts of your ex or what a great relationship you had and how perfect he/she was for you. If you do this enough times, you will soon see how wrong they were for you and you will be thanking your lucky stars that he/she is gone ;-)

6. Break-ups damage your self-esteem and make you feel rotten about yourself so start taking measures to get your self-confidence back. First and foremost, STOP BLAMING YOURSELF for the break-up. There is nothing wrong with you. Some relationships are meant forever and others aren't so let it be. Accept the break-up without blaming yourself or your ex.

7. You can use positive affirmations to regain your self-confidence after a break-up. Say things like, "I am a beautiful person and deserving of love." Or any other positive affirmation that comes to mind. Write a list of all of your good qualities, carry it around with you and look at it whenever you feel down. If you are having trouble developing a list of your good qualities ask your friends and family what qualities they admire in you.

8. Take Care of Yourself. I cannot stress this enough. Often when a loved one leaves us the first thing we do is stop taking care of ourselves. After all "Nothing really matters anymore," we say forlornly. However, letting ourselves go will just make us feel worse about ourselves. So stop and take a moment out to pamper and take care of yourself. Give yourself a treat, go to the spa, go on holiday, go out to dinner with some friends, do things that you enjoy. However, do it all within your budget and don't over compensate by spending money you do not have. The idea is to spoil yourself and this does not have to cost you a lot of money. It simply entails setting time aside to do something that you love or something good for yourself. Exercise and eat right and don't let yourself go just because your ex has gone :-).

9. You know the old saying: "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." So stay busy with positive activities. Find new hobbies or re-kindle old ones.

10. I saved this step for last for a very important reason, it should only be taken after you have healed. This final step entails finding a new love. Most of us seek love in the midst of healing or as part of healing, this is not a good idea and it rarely ever works. So heal first and find love last. Start by opening your heart and mind to the possibility of finding love again. Write a list of all the qualities that you seek in your perfect mate. Write down what your perfect relationship would be/ what it would look like. Then visualize and create an image of you in your ideal relationship with your ideal mate. In some cases it helps to actually get a photograph of a person who looks like your perfect mate and use this for your visualization exercises. Aside from visualizing you must also keep your heart and mind open to love.

. Last Ex .. who made my heart turns to stone

I have my 2 years relationship with my bf that time when i met my Last man...The guy i used to be with for almost 2 years is a muslim and we broke up because of many reasons. We broke up 7 days before our 2nd year anniversary supposed to be. The day when my ex broke me up is also the day i Met Mark raven.. He is very handsome and a lot of girls are really attracted to him except Me,, because i was inlove with my ex before. He was staying at his uncle's grocery at harap lng din yun ng pinagworkan ko..... lagi nmn nkikita ang isat isa..... my friend had a huge crush on him and as a friend she asks me to ask for his number and because i was brave enough to ask for it i do it for my friend...one time bumili ako sa knila and natawa pako kasi nataranta sya na pagbilhan ako.. i asked his number and he gave it to me..natuwa nmn ang friend ko kasi nkuha nia number ni mark..ewan ko ba kung bkit ngkaron din ako ng interes na itext din sya.Ngreply nmn sya and tlgang nging textmates kmi.. after that we exchanged msg and be comfortable with each other... sya nlng lagi nakkausap ko at unti unti ko nkalimutan ang ex ko.... we are always texing and calling each other.. one time he called me bhaby .. as a sign of care and sweet thoughts of him.. and i realized that one day i totally in love with him... he invited me to their place in cavite i met his lola .. and stay there for a night and a day.. i was so happy that time that i hve felt that we are already lovers although he told me that he realy likes me i was so afraid to love him because of my experience on my last bf.. but he promised me that if ever we will be lovers he will be a good man and he will never hurts me ,, or even cheat on me... thats why i trust him ... we became officialy lovers last august 23 2009 and it was very romantic.. but it came to a point that i thought that it would last forever as i promised to him that He will be my last man.. last guy that can hold and kiss me last guy i will ever loved. after 2 months of long distance reltionship because he decided to go back to his house in makati while i was on taguig... its very sad because i was afraid that it will lessen the love we had for each other.. and i was right... when we are in 2 months of my relationship with him i was awaken by a text msg of a girl claiming that she is also had a commitment with my BF ... that also lives in makati.. at first i didnt trust the girl because i love my bf so much... but after 2 mos again we are in 4 monthsary already he sleeps on my house here a laguna when i decided to have my vacation here... i looked out on his phone and i doscover a lot of simcards and i found out that one of this sims are owned by the girl who had texted me and i asked him what is her relstionship with that girl and he told me that he commited a mistake by flrting with that girl because i need money the gurl is rich that's why everytime we nee money he asks his girl to lend some.. it was his reason i didnt know if im going to believe him... after that my trust on him was faded and i became so suspicious every time he didint texted me or giving enough time.. i will always accused him that he is meeting other girls.. i know it was sarcastic but its not my fault anymore ... last december he broke me up because he said he needs to fix hs past frst and changed himself.. at frst it was quite hard very hard for me... until then until now we dont have commitment... but he still saying i love you i mis you that he wants me to be his wife... etc.. but those words are not enough i didint feel it in his actions... that;s why its really painful for me... when i always check out his accounts on FB , he strted asking numbers from other girls, and displaying some photo comments to other girls appraising them that they are pretty.. etc.. and me? i always send him message hoping that at least one message from him could i have but he didint replied any of my msg... but when we are talking on the phone he still insisting he loves me very much... thats why im very confused?? why is that liked that?? huhuh... i dont know where would i put myself for him to understand me...? !!! do you think he is just saying those soft words for me to not to get hurt ... or for me to thnk that he cares??? i was get hurt ,,its very painful....
do i need to feel this way just because i loved him?
please give me some advice...

after that I have heard news that He already have 2 sons in 2 different Girl :(

sad to say but I am glad I am not that woman

But poor girls they are :(

Please answer :))

How well do you know faith?
Comment on this note with your answers seriously!

Tag friends and see who knows the most about you!

1. Where you and I met?
2. How long have you known me?
3. The last time we saw each other?
4. Your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?
5. Am I funny?
6. What's my favorite music?
7. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, sweetie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else(what)?
8. Have you ever hugged me? kissed me? hold my hand?
9. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
10. If you and I were stranded on an island, what would I bring?
11. Where do you think I will be in 25 years?
12: Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?

Faith :)

I am not conventionally pretty.
i am neither sexy n0r skinny stunner with a best complexion
but i know i have my charming appeal,my being friendly,down 2 earth that allows me 2 have a circle of friends.
i kn0w I'm far prettier than d prettiest can be.

i am always searching bout my identity..
i want to give insight on what identity^s all about,
it seemed so alien 4 me in d beginning..
i disc0vrd that identity is really who we are..
n0t based on what people say bout u
n0t based on your job
or degree you attained..

im wholly artistic..
i also made scrapbooks, hand made cards, gifts, souvenirs.
and during college its become my business dat finance my every day needs..
This goes way back in preschool..

i love m0vies..
i particularly love romantic ones leading by Julia Roberts..
mythical m0vies like Troy,Alexander d great, 300, prince of Persia..
magical ones like harry p0tter, lord of d rings, Narnia..

waiting 4 d one,.?

love?im saving it 4 gods best..
i haven't met him yet,
ill met him in his time..
i believe dat i should be d right pers0n first before i meet the right one..
i have 2 b a good daughter, sister and best friend :)
while I'm developing my character.
so dat 1 day,
i can be d best GIRLFRIEND that I can be .

are you one of these people?

are you one of these people

by Charmaine Faith Vigo
on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 8:34pm

One of the challenging role i have been encountered was dealing with different kinds of people who are some good and some are bad.. ..

I can't say that they're bad but I mean was I didn't have any chance to know them better like any one else..

Being friendly at all times can be disadvantage or not.. Like me, since I am a friendly person where it's easy for me to approach people and communicate with them..

I used to meet people at all times in every place i have been to.. and all of those people become part of my journey..

And I am grateful because i have the chance to gain friends as well and become my shoulder to cry on..

But i don't know why some people are hard to understand what i am to every people..

they are very judgmental..

Some people get irritated with me just because i have so many friends .. and they said that because I'm too friendly..

Is being friendly was bad?

or cant be done?

They judge me the way i speak..

The way i communicate with other people especially to all people who are with me was all natural..

I know through my oral communication I didn't have any chance to hurt other people through words.

I didn't speak to anyone that are offensive to them..

maybe sometimes if i am being frank towards a person but i didn't intend to offend them i just want them to know what they have done in me or what are the problems..?

They also judge me the way i dress.. the way i wear clothes? why? even if i don't care with other people might say with me .. i am being so irritated to those person who are keep on talking behind my back..

we all must remember that we should respect the other people's freedom .. they chose to be like that so you have no rights to change them nor criticizing them ...


Its their personality not yours.. mind your own business and life..

whatever things you have seen in them ,, you must know how to keep your mouth shut..

They can express themselves whatever ways they want to do..

maybe the gestures of other people and the looks they have..

you found that irritating to your eyes..

maybe it's not their fault..

because they can wear and do anything they want to do..

which you cant do..

I am still wondering why people keep on digging in to anyone's life.. they are good in seeing the faults and incompleteness of the person they have met..

we keep on comparing ourselves to them..

what are those qualities you have that they don't have..

keep on appraising yourself rather that appreciating other people talents and goodness..

we are just focused on ourselves..

in short ..

we are SELFISH...

we rather wants to be understood than to understand them..

we wants our story to be heard by them but we don't have time to listen up to them..

isn't that fair??

But have you already think how disgusting we are to those people..?

why don't we try to look for the goodness and talents of that person?

why dont we try to cheer them up rather than pulling them down..?

are you happier seeing them in misery because of you?

is it what you want?

I realized how precious our life will be if we can give our best not only to be good in ourselves but for the sake of other people..

It is more grateful to have a meaningful life with the one who treasure you for the rest of their lives. Is it good to hear the simple " THANK YOU" from someone you never thought you will have..

Love anyone and be good to anyone.. for you to be loved by them .

promise it will be great..

Love and Care


My college life :)

Entering college life was one of my exciting experience ever.
When I was in high school I was wondering what are those differences that will rise up between HS and college.
They have said that college is being serious on what you are doing,and leads you to our future.
I attended my first year col at Fisher Valley College of Hagunoy Taguig.
I really enjoyed staying there because i do have so many friends there almost all of the sections there are became really close to me..
My group of friends used to call “the tropagandas..”
when we joined the dance contest,and danced the craze “ITAKTAK” after that event they have called our group itaktak girls..
I do have so many activities joined there such as Quiz Bee Competition, Masque Club, Being 1st year representative of Computer Department,
and for me it become the most exciting event that happens .
I also became student assistant there and worked as Xerox Machine Operator,
at first its hard because of my schedule,but it was so cute that a student like me can do such thing like that,I will get up and went to school ,go to office, update my time card.,then go to work..attend my class and go to work again till 7pm for almost 2 months. Also Fisher Valley College become really a big memories for me because I met my special someone there for almost a year of relationship . We have so many memories there that I cant forget. But sad to say that I need to leave the Fisher Valley and transfer to other school.
But now i don't have any regret of transferring school.
When i was transferred at PLT Annex at first it was so unusual for me to say that i became quiet because i am not like that…
but then, i met my new friends there almost all of them aha..
of course the BSCS-B here in PLT .
In 1st semester i can say that i do my best and responsibilities as a student..
no failing grades of course..
i have also joined TIC TAC TOE Competition that made me the 2nd place,
i became the class vice president of the class,
i used to lead groups in different subjects,
all of those successful simple events that happened
I'm glad we made it not only by myself but with the help of other people
that's why for those peeps who always there for me..
a BIG THANK YOU for all of you …

This is me !

Bakit nga ba ako isinilang ng ganito?

Parang pati mundo ay nakaklaban koh..?

natutong tumayo sa sariling paa ko..

kahit kapalit nito ay pagtalikod sa taong kinagisnan ko..

humharap sa tao at nagpapakatotoo Na hindi ako kasing ganda ng helen na kilala niyo

Mukha na khit sinoy napapaaamo di ako katulad niya na inyong gusto…

wla akong katawan na tulad ni katya..

hubog ng katawa’y parang coca cola

sa ganda man ng pustura akoy wlang wala

kung ihahambing sa kutis niyang porselana

di ako kasing talino ng siyentipiko pero meron akong isip na alm kung anu ang totoo

gawin ang nararpat iwasan ang di dapat…

wlang panahon para maghanap o magsayang ang isip na mayron sila kailanman di ko makukuha.

di akoh anak ng mayamang pamilya di ako gahaman sa halaga ng pera wala akong brilyante o khit anu pa

tanging ako ang laging mapagmalaki ko

simpleng taong may simpleng gusto

makasama ng buo ang pamilya koh sa paraang alam ko

mabigyan ng maginhawang buhay ang inat kapatid ko

mayakap sila sa unang pagkakataon upang maparamdam ang panahong na tadhanay ipinagdamot.

Tahimik ako ngunit nasa loob ang kulo sa tagal ng panahon ng pananahimik ko

khit kailan hindo pa ako ngalit ng husto pagkat iyon ang pagkatao ko sa eskwelahan ako ay palakaibigan

pagkat likas na sa akin ang ganung kaugalian bati dito bati doon…

hanggng dumami ang taong kakilala ko sa mga guro ay malapit din ako

pagkat sila ay napagkakatiwalaan ko sa mga problema at sa sayang naransan ko

isa sila sa mga dahilan nito pag ngmahal ako ay lubos kong binibgay tiwala at oras sya lng ang mahal at mahirap yun

malamn ang tanging gusto ko lang ay responsable at mahal ako mahal niya kung anung meron ako di nag papanggap sa paraang gusto ko di mapili o pintaserong tao… basta sundin ang puso tiyak ko kami ay mabubuo…

isa lang ang masabi ko mahal koh ang mahal akoh…

kilalanin ako ng taong ayaw ayaw skin ng husto…

About Me

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cabuyao, laguna, Philippines
my name is faith from cabuyao laguna. 20 years of age and undergrad of Computer Science .. single and still looking :) lols .. you can add me on facebook .. charmaine.faith@yahoo.com .. also in yahoo and twitter same account :) i am recently working in Jolibee Lianas Calamba so if you near my place come there and visit ,, :) i worked as a counter crew so you can see me there face to face .. good luck !

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